With a few noteable exceptions (trim, countertop, accent painting, etc.) the basement project is done!! Last week Vanessa sanded and stained all the bare oak, then varnished some of it. We got a great deal on carpet this weekend past, brought it home in the Escape, and I installed it. What a difference!! We also picked up a 300W home theatre DVD system for $65, an open box special at Zellers, and I installed that as well. Just last night I put the suspended ceiling in the low section that covers the ductwork. For now it is useable space. In time we'll finish the outstanding issues... Here are some pictures:
Me installing the carpet.
Here's the TV Murray and Judy gave us, in the finished cabinet.
The Schmidt's Beer sign is all lit up.
The old Ikea furniture fits nicely down here.
Soon the old IMAC will get hooked up to the 'net. Vanessa may even start painting again!